A very good business person may be afraid of dealing in numbers. Financial management may be easy for some and may not be too easy for some. People may find finance and number crunching difficult. However, through appropriate instructional design and interactive activities, zoom session can be fun as well.
Enhancing financial acumen for women entrepreneurs
Financial management skills for entrepreneurs
Finance for non finance women entrepreneurs
The Problem
What do we mean by financial statements? What is balance sheet and how is it prepared? Why do we need an income statement? What is breakeven point and how is it calculated? Why should I get into numbers when my business is doing well without it? I don’t know about numbers – my accountant takes care of it.
The Solution
Numbers can be fun, if appropriate training method is used. With interactive activities, any one without financial knowledge can learn about financial statements. The module based workshop is designed to get entrepreneurs learn easily about key financial concepts. The workshop is bound to increase financial management skills.