TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More!
What are different stages in a team building?
What makes a team ‘effective’?
In a team building workshops, detailed case studies were developed and a work book was prepared for the participants which is being provided herewith. Following are the contents of the workbook:
1. Effective Teams: What Makes Them Successful?
2. Team Formation: Form, Storm, Norm, Perform
3. Team development case studies
3.1 Team Development Case Study #1
3.2 Team Development Case Study #2
3.3 Team Development Case Study #3
4. Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire
4.1 Questionnaire
4.2 Scoring
5. Conflict resolution
6. Conflict management framework
7. Visioning the ideal team
7.1 My vision of an ideal team
7.2 Improving team effectiveness after the team building workshops.